I saw "10 Signs Your Dating An Immature Guy" a few days ago on the web and I was offended.

Why was I offended? Because I'm an immature guy. I mean I managed to get married, have a few kids and hold down a pretty great job while being interested in things deemed "immature" and occasionally acting that way.

Here's Thought Catalog's list.

  1. Your his first relationship.
  2. He doesn't know how to communicate.
  3. He loves his pride more than the relationship.
  4. He doesn't own his flaws.
  5. He doesn't want to be depended on.
  6. You're his girlfriend when it's convenient for him.
  7. He gets lazy.
  8. He's a hypocrite.
  9. He has no ambition.
  10. Instead of breaking up with you, he'll be a jerk until you break up with him.

Really Thought Catalog? That doesn't necessarily make the guy "immature." He might just be a jerk or a loser.

Let me give you 10 reasons why it's awesome to date (or marry) an immature guy.

  1. We know a lot about comics. Go ahead and ask us why Steve Rodgers is the best Captain America or why Matt Murdock is the definition of a super hero. We have an answer.
  2. We play video games, but multi-player video games are way more fun with a second person, that's where you come in.
  3. We wear comfy clothes. This cuts down on buying expensive suits.
  4. We are pretty great with kids, since we act like one ourselves.
  5. We like shiny electronics. Looking for a great gift? The latest video game, movie or comic usually makes us pretty happy.
  6. We like wrestling. Not "real" wrestling, but "Hulkamania" wrestling. Need some alone time? Turn on the WWE Network for us. It's like a grown up babysitter.
  7. We don't like to meddle. Have a problem that you don't feel like sharing? That's cool with us, we'll just wait until you want to talk.
  8. We like beer. It doesn't have to be anything expensive either.
  9. We tend to go with the flow. Staying in tonight? Cool. Going out tonight? Cool.
  10. We don't allow life to beat us up.

What's missing from the list? Let us know!

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