If you're looking for a ray of hope in Baltimore, this is a must watch.

Yesterday, like a lot of people, I couldn't pull myself away from the story that was unfolding in Baltimore. The footage was hard to watch but I was intrigued. Over the weekend I finished watching all five seasons of The Wire, a show about the Baltimore drug scene, and it just struck a chord with me. The show is a true and very accurate depiction of the real devastation playing out right before me on television; it was heartbreaking.

If average Americans who've never been to Baltimore; have never seen The Wire, or don't even know anyone who lives there, are heartbroken, just imagine how the people who are living this chaos day-in and day-out are feeling.

Like this mom, who's being hailed as "Mother of the Year", after she caught her son rioting in the streets and gave him a beat down on national television.

Maybe, in addition to calling in the National Guard, Baltimore needs to send in the moms...and then give this woman the key to the city, and maybe make her mayor.




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