Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone at the gym and they could see that I was struggling; my weights were lighter than normal, I wasn't dancing around like I normally do and they could see my eyes swell with tears. That's when they came over and put their arm on my shoulder and said, "you know what I love about you, you don't give up." It was exactly what I needed to finish my workout and tell myself that I'd do better tomorrow.

I've always been one to never give up; and perhaps a lot of that comes from my upbringing. I was homeless at 15, pregnant by 17 and had my son when I was 18. Many would think with a past like that, that I would've dropped out of high school; but because I'm not one to give up, I managed to move forward and ended up graduating right along with my class.

In Rockford, there are 40,000 adults who have their own story about their struggles with getting a high school diploma and now, those adults have an opportunity to have a second chance at getting one.

According to WREX, the Goodwill would like to build a high school for adults; it would be just like any other school but for adults 21 and over; complete with high school level classes, child care and free admission.

The only issue is, the school needs state approval and funding. To run an adult high school, it roughly costs $2 million a year, and where that money comes from is still not known.

Should the senate pass the bill for the school, the hope is to get it up and running in Rockford by 2019.

In a Snap! Fitness

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Catch Mandy James on “The Steve Shannon Show with Mandy James” on 97 ZOK from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


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