Is it possible for your heart to be happy and break at the same time?

Think of a time when someone you knew shared a post on Facebook asking if anyone could foster a loving dog or cat until the animal shelter found him or her a forever home. Now imagine seeing that same post, but it was for a baby that was waiting to be placed with their new family.

It's hard to comprehend that with millions of couples out there that are waiting patiently to adopt, that there's also little tiny babies that are also waiting. Waiting, and missing out on that important time they need so early in life to bond with mommy and daddy.

Adoption agencies across the country are in need of volunteers to love and nurture these babies and believe it or not, some agencies like, Spence-Chapin, in New York City, didn't have any earlier this month.

So as a volunteer, what would you need to do? Typical volunteer families can care for a newborn for a few days to several weeks and you would do pretty much the same thing you would do with your own child- take them to doctor appointments, visitations with the birth or adoptive parents and document any milestones with photos and a diary.

Additionally, there is no cost to you; all the agency asks for is your love for children. Most agencies like Spence-Chapin cover the expenses for diapers, doctors visits, etc.

If you're someone who's lost a child, can't have children or just have so much love to give and you can find the time to give it to a child in need, this would be the perfect opportunity to give a child the best start in life.

Do you know of an adoption agency in Northern Illinois that is in need of volunteers?




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