Acne isn't only for teens. Some adults are still battling breaking out as well, and believe me, I think it's more embarrassing when you're an adult. I've been to many dermatologists with limited success, so I thought today, I would play doctor for a bit, and help you solve your break out issues!

First of all, I have always been told that diet doesn't play a part in having acne, but that's so wrong. Reseachers have found that those who ate sugary foods, dairy products, and unhealthy fats were more likely to have breakouts. So, clean your diet up and more than likely, you'll see a clear change.

Chocolate is better for you than you think. Many say stay away from it if you want a clear complexion, but it's okay to indulge! Dermatologists suggest eating dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher.

Many think makeup makes acne worse, and in some cases that is true. We all know foundations, and powders can clog our pores and cause pimples, but there are cosmetics out there that can clear your skin. Doctors suggest using a powder-based mineral foundation with silica, and zinc oxide. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that powder foundations absorb oils that would otherwise break you out. If you use liquid foundation, just make sure it's non-comedogenic.

I found more truths behind adult acne here.

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