Start your day with the Bedside Quiz at 6:05am. This week we learned; what most men do when faced with a 'to do' list, what NOT to do before 8 a.m. and more.

Bedside Quiz Q's and A's: August 24 - August 28, 2015
Anton Brand, Thinkstock

Monday, August 24

QUESTION: There are approx. 9.25 million of THESE in the U.S. and they generate $40.2 billion in goods

ANSWER: Dairy cows

WINNER: Nathan Feigel of Rockford, IL

Tuesday, August 25 

QUESTION: The price of one of THESE will usually change about 70 times before it sells

ANSWER: Airline ticket

WINNER: Jeff Hill of Poplar Grove, IL

Wednesday, August 26 

QUESTION: According to a new survey, 38% of married men admit to doing THIS on the weekend when they know their wife is going to ask them to do a chore or project.

ANSWER: Hiding

WINNER: Adam Bird of Rockford, IL

Thursday, August 27

QUESTION: According to a new survey of consumer complaints, the number one thing American consumers complained about last year was going through the process of buying one of THESE.


WINNER: Jackie Staskal of Poplar Grove, IL

Friday, August 29

QUESTION: According to a recent survey, 82% or Americans say it’s rude to do this before 8 a.m.

ANSWER: Call someone

WINNER: Donald Trump of New York, NY

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