Start your day with the Bedside Quiz at 6:05am. This week we learned; the most popular 'go-to' kitchen item, what women will own 100 of in their lifetime, and what 72% of college kids borrow from their roommate.

Monday, July 27

QUESTION: 46% of parents still do THIS for their adult child over the age of 30

ANSWER: Pay their cell phone bill

WINNER: Dave Burdick of S. Beloit, IL

Tuesday, July 28

QUESTION: The average woman will have just over 100 of THESE in her lifetime

Bedside Quiz Q's and A's: July 27 - July 31, 2015
Thinkstock Photos

ANSWER: Purses

WINNER: Mario Lopez of Compton, IL

Wednesday, July 29

QUESTION: 72% of college students admit to borrowing THIS item from their roommate

ANSWER: Toothbrush

WINNER: Brian Heinrich of Rochelle, IL

Thursday, July 30

QUESTION: According to a recent survey, 60% of parents think 12 is the perfect age for their kids to do THIS

ANSWER: Get their own cell phone

WINNER: Jessica Neth of Rockford, IL

Friday, July 31

QUESTION: When preparing a meal, 45% of those surveyed say THIS is their go-to item in the kitchen

ANSWER: Smartphone or tablet (to look up recipes)

WINNER: Colin Lawver of Beloit, WI

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