They say a woman never forgets her husband's proposal. Chris Willis of Belvidere, IL. wanted to make sure of that. And wait until you see how it ended.

In a hayfield near the Poplar Grove airport is where Codelyn Mutert's proposal took shape. Her boyfriend Chris used an 8-foot rototiller to carve out their future. A future that mother nature wanted a role in as well. According to, the plan was to get Codelyn in an airplane with friends on Friday (5/27) to see Chirs's handy till work but the rain kept everyone on the ground until the morning of Memorial Day. Finally the moment had arrived. But it still wasn't easy getting Codelyn on that plane. Like any woman, she wanted answers, like why it was so important that she be on that airplane at a precise time. Once she was 700 feet into the air, it all came clear. From that high up it was easy to see each 150ft x 170ft letter of his proposal. Now watch how it ended. – Rockford’s News Leader

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