Because basic math is important to a marriage.

What if they have kids someday and she asks him if he picked them all up, and since he can't count, he says yes when really he left the littlest kid in the cart at Target?

Ok, so I don't know him, maybe he's just bad at on-the-spot addition, not counting, but still this is pretty ridiculous.

This incident took place at a wedding in India last week. Like most weddings in India, this marriage was arranged.

The bride-to-be must've had an inkling that her groom-to-be was in trouble in the mathematics department, because she decided to quiz him at the alter. She asked him what 15 +6 was... he said 17.

You know what? I would've probably dumped him at the alter too. Let's all say it together, dude, the answer is 21. Count on your fingers just to make sure. I checked twice.

Turns out the family hid his poor education from the bride and her family, because they wanted this guy married!

The police intervened and made sure all gifts and jewelry that had been exchanged were returned. They also gave the groom a small calculator to keep in his suit coat for the next time he tried to trick someone into marrying him.

I made that last part up, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.

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