Think back to a time where you ate something out of your fridge; you weren't quite sure how long it's been there but it looks edible and you're starving. Then, you take a bite; slowly chew and you notice that it tastes kind of funny. Do you spit it out or eat it anyway? Here's a good rule of thumb: just spit it out. Here's why. Eating your favorite foods after they've gone bad can kill you.

I give you exhibit A: caramel apples. Not only are they here to ruin your diet; they're here to ruin your Halloween, if and only if, you don't eat them immediately.

If you're planning on whipping up a batch of homemade apples this fall, you should know that if not eaten right away, they have the potential to make you very sick. Last year seven people died from a listeria outbreak caused by caramel apples.

Here's what you need to know: dipping your apples in hot caramel doesn't kill any bacteria on the apple skin, in fact it adds a layer for bacteria to grow and multiply. It's especially bad if you refrigerate the apples for a long time after they're made.  So, don't give them time, eat them right away.  Or, do what I do- slice the apple and dip them in caramel; it's the only way I eat caramel apples.

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