If you've ever wondered what your significant other was looking at on Facebook when you're not around, now you'll know.

All of us, at some point, have utilized our stalking skills to find out what our significant other has been up to on social media. We can't help ourselves; it's exhilarating to be so sneaky. Truth is, you're not so sneaky after all. At least, not anymore. Not after I tell you about Facebook's newest feature that will help you keep tabs on your guy or gal. If you're curiosity ever got the best of you, get ready because you'll need this.

Facebook has now made it possible for you to search things people have liked on Facebook; particularly pictures. At the top of your Facebook app or at the top of the page on your computer, you'll see the search bar.

Facebook's Newest Feature
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

Type in the search field: Photos liked by (insert person’s name)

and then hit Enter.

You’ll get a list of all the pictures they’ve been clicking like on.

Try at your own risk. Should you happen to find anything interesting, like your boyfriend liking a photo of some rando in a bikini, please share your experience.


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