Looks like this mom has a feature lawyer on her hands.

At least that's what I used to say about my child when he would try to argue the facts behind his desire to run away from home. There was always something and it was the littlest things like he didn't like having to watch my TV shows or that I didn't clean his room.

A clean room seems to be extremely important to little kids, especially when they consider themselves too young to have to clean it themselves. Take five-year-old Sage for example. Her room's a disaster, the house is way dirty and has no space; so she's moving on.

Listen as Sage articulately describes her laundry list of reasons for wanting to move to her friend Jen's; it's not until the end of the video when she finally gives her actual reason for wanting to "move on".

Does any of this sound familiar? What's the craziest reason your kids have given you for wanting to move out?


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