This is a pretty brilliant Starbucks scam right here.  And you'll be disappointed you didn't think of it first.

You'd probably be less obnoxious about it, too.

A Starbucks employee just shared this outrageous story about a nightmare customer at his store who figured out a loophole to get free coffee 365 days a year.  I'm not sure you know this, but when you get a Starbucks gift card, you can register it with your birthday and you get a free drink that day.  This guy bought 365 cards and registered each one for a different birthday; giving him a free drink every single day.

Pretty genius, right? I'm almost kind of jealous that my brain just doesn't operate on that level; I've never sat around and plotted ways to beat the system.  If I did, however, come up with such an idea, I'd at least be smart and nice about it.

This guy who purchased the gift cards is a total jerk face. He goes to the same Starbucks every time, and there's a chance the employees would've let him get away with it if he was cool, but according to one barista, Brad Halsey, he orders an iced quad Venti vanilla white mocha with heavy cream; then he takes the marker and draws arrows on it giving the barista a bunch of extra instructions. He sounds like a total pain in the you know what.

Now if you're thinking that you're going to go buy 365 gift cards and try to get away with the same thing, don't even bother. There's a good chance that now that the story is out, Starbucks will shut the loophole down. Plus, I'm sure it's considered fraud.

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