You may think you board your dog at the best doggie daycare in Illinois, but do they take santa photos? I didn't think so!

I don't have a dog, or a cat, or anything that might make me sneeze. I'm allergic to most pets, but you know what I'm not allergic too? Cute photos of pets!

Seriously though, I might not be able to appreciate your pets in person, but I will accept all Christmas cards featuring your furry friends.

Are you taking cute ones like they're taking at Camp Ruff It! in Carol Stream?

What a fun way for a doggie daycare to gift their clients a Christmas present.

I love how attentive these pups are in the photos, as if they know that this was a BIG moment for them.

Not only do they need to impress their human friends at doggie daycare but they get to show off their behavior for their family, too.

It's like when little kids bring home artwork from their first day of school, proud moments for the entire family!

Do you know any other Illinois doggie daycare or boarding locations that are doing super cute Santa photos? We would love to see them!

Send them over anytime on the 97ZOK app.

Camp Ruff It Doggie Daycare & Boarding is located at 399 Gunderson Dr in Carol Stream, Illinois.

You can call them at 630-690-0281.

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