The Internet has a new crush this week, as 18-year-old Anna Faith has become a new superstar with over 290,000 Instagram followers and over 17,000 Twitter fans.

So who is she? Well, she is a dead ringer for Elsa from Disney's 'Frozen'!

So much, in fact, that she's asking her fans to petition Disney and ABC to cast her as Elsa in the hit television series, 'Once Upon a Time.'

"I need everybody's help!!! Please let Once Upon A Time know that I would love to audition for the the role as Elsa in their TV show!!! Thank you so much!!!" she writes in the caption of one of her photos.

The Season 3 finale of 'Once Upon a Time' teased that the sisters from 'Frozen,' Elsa and Anna, would be appearing in Season 4. Casting for the roles, however, have not been announced which is why Faith is petitioning hard right now for at least an audition.

Anna's Instagram feed is full of shots of Anna as Elsa, and also features photos of her putting smiles on little girls everywhere as they "meet" the Snow Queen of Arendell. She also partners with a friend who dresses as Elsa's sister, Anna.

No matter what comes of her campaign to get an audition with ABC, it's nice to see that at the very least, she's brightening the days of 'Frozen' fans everywhere with her smiles and pictures.

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