An aide at a school in Pennsylvania recently gave out dog treats instead of cookies to a group of 4th graders. It isn't clear yet why she did this, but it did remind me of a story from my childhood, we'll call it the "pup corn" story.

My brother and I spent most of our childhood fighting. We had to be baby-sat until we were teenagers just because my mom was afraid of what would happen if she left us alone. The funny this is though, when we did get along, we were inseparable, especially when we were doing something we weren't supposed to be doing. Like eating gross things.

We played a game called disgusting drinks. It was pretty simple, I went in the refrigerator and picked anything I wanted and poured it in a giant glass. We're talking expired yogurt, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, you name it, I threw it in there. Then my brother would have to drink one sip. That was the whole game. Until we started adding dog treats into the mix.

Because, what's a disgusting drink without a dog treat decorating the rim? Turns out dog treats aren't so bad. After he managed to eat one, we started surveying all of the dog food in the cabinet. This included pup corn, obviously dog popcorn.

I can't recall if I ever even had a bite, but that might be because my brother stuffed his face. Apparently pup corn is addicting. So addicting that it lands you in the hospital.

He's fine. I was pretty young but I remember my parents taking him to puke or something. Pretty sure he learned his lesson. Next time we were disgusting drink-ing, we just used the pupperoni to stir the drink, instead of actually eating it.

Gosh, we were gross. The moral of the story though, don't eat pup corn no matter how good it looks. Also this lady should be investigated.

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