In a letter sent to parents, Rockford Public Schools outlined their plans should a strike occur.

A potential strike on Wednesday, March 15 could impact rides to and from school, lunches, and more.

According to the note from RPS, "Transportation will not be provided during a strike unless students ride a Sunrise bus to or from school."

As far as lunch is concerned the note further explains, "meals will differ from what's on the published menu; students can expect more prepackaged meals, sandwiches and breakfast kits."

Even though paraprofessionals are expected to strike, the note says "services provided by paraprofessionals will be provided by other certified, trained staff. Students with special needs will be our priority, with a focus on students' safety and personal care needs."

In a recent "Strike FAQ" RPS 205 currently employs over 500 paraprofessionals, over 200 bus drivers and just under 200 nutrition service workers.

Madeleine Sherod, president of the nutritional services employee union tells, "The school board will not negotiate with us. We're not asking them to get us rich. We're asking them to pay us a fair salary for a day's work."


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