There's a reason why your boyfriend's butt is smaller than yours.

Actually there's more than one. You're a strong, beautiful; intelligent woman and it's all thanks to your ass-ets.

Here are six things to remember when you're having one of those days where you look in the mirror and all you can think to yourself is "OMG, my butt is so huge." Girl, it's P.H.A.T.

1.  Your butt muscles are the largest muscles in your body. I know the thought of doing countless squats and lunges sucks, but it's worth it, you're booty is a powerhouse that's responsible for keeping your torso upright so drop it like's it's squat girl.

2.  Women have bigger butts than men because of estrogen. Men's bodies tell their fat to go to their stomachs . . . women's estrogen directs it to their butts. I would much rather have the fat go to my butt than my stomach. Am I right, ladies?

3.  You can get skin cancer on your butt even if it's covered.  Skin cancer can appear on unlikely places like between your fingers and toes, on your underarms, your butt, and even your..ahem...nether regions.

4.  There's a word for being attracted to butts.  It's pygophilia. That's PIE-gophilia; not PIG-ophilia. I wish it was the latter, it's so much more fun to say.

5.  A big butt is linked to intelligence.  According to a University of Oxford study, being a woman with a big butt was linked to being more intelligent, supposedly due to having more omega-3 fats which help with brain development. Good enough reason for me to load up on those carbs this weekend. Who doesn't want to be smarter without having to read?

6.  Your big butt also makes you less likely to get sick. That same University of Oxford study found that women with bigger butts are less likely to get diabetes and heart disease, even though those two things are usually associated with obesity.

Now, let's celebrate your big booty with some of our favorite booty anthems.


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