She delivers us messages from the dead, help us recognize the signs our loved ones put in our path and brings peace to our hearts where there was sadness.

Maureen's abilities come from some tragic events in her own life that she talks about at the beginning of her live performances. During her more than two hour live show, many of those attending will get messages from those they've lost, as she says, if you're meant to receive one.

Now come see Maureen Hancock live for yourself... Buy tickets HERE

This was the first time we had Maureen Hancock on the show and turned me into a believer.

In this call we took, Angela expressed her disbelief right away... but she became a believer. Listen to what happened.

The woman in this next call has been struggling with the loss of her grandfather. After being his primary caregiver until the end, she could not find peace with the feeling that she should have done more.

Mandy visited our studios and she'd just lost her mom 2 weeks before talking with Maureen.


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