While playing in a rec league basketball game, I tore my ACL and meniscus. I also sprained my MCL in the process. Doctors refer to this type of injury as the "unhappy triad."

The injury occurred on Monday, December 8. The following day I was at Rockford Ortho getting it looked at. After getting outfitted with crutches I was told to come back for x-rays.

The x-rays revealed some major damage done to my right knee. An MRI confirmed the results.

After meeting with Dr. Whitehurst at Rockford Ortho, it was clear to me that the only way to ever get back to running and doing anything athletic was surgery.

The only surgical procedure I've ever had was having my wisdom teeth removed. That was it.

The idea of going under the knife to repair my knee was pretty frightening.

I had the surgery on Friday, January 16. After surgery I was told to keep of my knee for at least 10 days. My first thought was "man, those 10 days are gonna suck."

In order to cope and keep my spirits up I decided to do quick video updates on how I felt each day.

With the help of Mrs. Sweet Lenny along with friends and family pitching in, those 10 days weren't as bad as it seemed.

With the surgery now behind me, I get to focus on physical therapy and that's a whole other video series.

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