
Illinois Lives Their Best Life Eating Ice Cream in the Winter
Illinois Lives Their Best Life Eating Ice Cream in the Winter
Illinois Lives Their Best Life Eating Ice Cream in the Winter
I firmly believe it's never too cold to have some ice cream. Sure you might shiver while you eat it, but it's still a delicious treat nonetheless. I know I personally enjoy ice cream year-round. If I'm craving ice cream, I don't care what season it is, I'm having some dang ice cream...
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
New Study Gives Rockford Poor Marks For Education
Looking at the results of a recently-published study on the most and least educated cities in the United States reminded me of a couple of quotes. One, from John Belushi in Animal House: "7 years of college down the drain," and the other from my dad: "Did 9 years of high school teach you nothing?"
New Survey Reveals You're Safe Around Hungry Illinois Residents
New Survey Reveals You're Safe Around Hungry Illinois Residents
New Survey Reveals You're Safe Around Hungry Illinois Residents
Hungry + Angry = "Hangry" What exactly is the definition of "hangry"? The Oxford dictionary says - Bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger. Personally, I get VERY hangry when I haven't eaten. It's funny I kind of have a threshold when it comes to my level of hunger and how angry I get...
Chicago Just Revealed as a Top Location For THIS Kind of Vacay
Chicago Just Revealed as a Top Location For THIS Kind of Vacay
Chicago Just Revealed as a Top Location For THIS Kind of Vacay
Summer is basically here, and that means it's time to plan some vacations. Sure you could start thinking about where you want to travel, but sometimes that's just not realistic. When it comes to work, time, money, sometimes a vacation just isn't something you can pull off...

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