Congrats to 97ZOK’s new Teacher of the Week, Mrs. Larson from Machesney Elementary.

Mrs. Larson scored delicious cupcakes from Sugar Jones and beautiful flowers from Broadway Florist.

The winning nomination came from Kaya McDonald. Kaya tells 97ZOK:

Mrs. Larson NEEDS to be teacher of the week! In almost all my years of Elementary School, I was scared to raise my hand and answer even if it was right or wrong, I wouldn't want to talk in front of the class... I pretty much had stage fright. Now I am in Mrs. Larson class…LARSONLAND!! (What Mrs.Larson calls it) I want to raise my hand whether right or wrong because if I get wrong somehow she makes me feel happy that I tried almost none of my other teachers have made me feel like that. She makes us laugh so much we are almost crying and smile all day long. You think school would be boring but all day long I am happy inside and it is all because of her. If I could be at school 24/7 I would!! Mrs.Larson needs to be teacher of the week!! If I didn't have Mrs.Larson as a teacher I wouldn't be happy to go to school and happy to be at school!!! If there are any missed spelled words or bad grammar I am sorry!!! :)

You can nominate your teacher too! Click here to tell us why you’re teacher should be the next Teacher of the Week.

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