A teen girl who just had her wisdom teeth removed suffers a wide range of emotions while coming off the nitrous oxide.

This is a perfect example of why I refuse to get my wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted below the gums and one of them has even come in; they don't bother me so I leave them be. Besides, an oral surgeon told me that they only way they can be removed is with complex surgery in which I risk losing the sensation in my mouth and jaw should they pull them wrong. The nerves are wrapped around the roots of my teeth and it's extremely risky to take them out. No, thanks, I think I'm set. Once they start to hurt then maybe I'll consider.

Should that time come, I hope that when I'm recovering that I don't experience what a lot of kids on the internet have experienced after they've left the dentist - pure, hilarious horror.  Watch as this poor teen girl goes through a range of emotions from thinking her lips are gone, to never getting a first kiss and dead moose in her ice cream.

Is it safe to say that the only thing kids should fear about going to the dentist these days is their parents recording their recovery and sharing it on the internet?


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