Stop me if you've heard this one before.

As funny as it sounds, we have no reason to believe this story isn't true.

A 97ZOK Facebook fan sent us this today:

3 sheep and 1 lamb are running around on 929 s Alpine building, can you please help to share this with the public maybe owners came to get them , animal control on their way

929 South Alpine Road in Rockford is the location of Home Instead Senior Care.

We also received some pictures of the sheep and lamb hanging out, laying down and apparently window shopping.

If you happen to know how the three sheep and lamb got loose and ended up wandering around Rockford, please let us know.

Sweet Lenny is the brand manager of 97ZOK, Q98.5, and Operations Manager for Townsquare Media Rockford. Catch him afternoons 3 to 7 on 97ZOK. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram and like his page on Facebook.

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