So you didn't get pulled over for being a terrible driver, but that doesn't mean it hasn't gone unnoticed.

We've all encountered 'those' kinds of drivers. The ones going extremely slow, the guy who cuts you off only to come inches from your car or the driver who is so distracted, you ponder all night how they got home safely.

Terrible drivers are everywhere and one YouTuber named Crash It is taking matters into their own hands.

Crash It travels all over Illinois with a dash cam rolling at all times. As Crash It encounters a terrible driver, they call the driver out on the world wide web. Who Crash It is, I don't know... but I do know he isn't shy when it comes to the car horn.

Just two days ago, Crash It was in Rockford, Illinois and posted a video of the bad drivers they encountered.

You aren't one of the drivers on camera... are you?

Here are some of Illinois' worst drivers in a few of his other videos.


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