One of the biggest fundraising events for the Special Olympics is coming soon to Rockford, so get ready to "be bold and get cold" to support these amazing athletes.
Rockford is always there when someone needs help, it's time to step up for the kids and make a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to fight childhood cancer.
Looking for a family-friendly way to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Rockford? Carlson Ice Arena’s Noon Year’s Eve event offers ice skating, playtime fun, and a festive countdown the whole family will love
This is not something that many of us had to face when we were kids and out trick-or-treating, but it's a sad fact of life. There are some bad people out there, and the Illinois Attorney General wants you to take a look around and know where they're going before you send the kids out to grab a bucketful of candy on Halloween.
With Halloween arriving tomorrow, costumes have been purchased or made, candy has been gathered, decorations are up, and the trick-or-treaters are ready to hit the streets, However, there are laws and regulations about hours and times that go along with the Halloween festivities---but does Illinois have an age limit for those going door-to-door looking for treats?
We're just a little over 10 days away from Halloween 2024, so we thought it might be smart to look at the long-range weather forecast to see what kind of conditions trick-or-treaters (and the parents who go with them) are going to be dealing with. Will costumes this year be covered with a coat? Will you have to shovel your walk for the candy-grabbing hordes?