Only One Illinois City Earns Spot on Active States List
If one of your New Year's "goals" is to be more active you will want to visit (or move) to this Illinois City.
Only one city/town in Illinois has made Wallethub's list of the most active cities in America, and it ended up ranked 5th overall. Looking at 100 of the biggest cities in the USA, 35 key indicators of an active lifestyle. and access to fitness clubs CHICAGO is the 5th most active city in the nation.
Are you surprised? Even in winter people are running alongside the lake, riding bikes, walking everywhere, and taking their dogs to the beach. Yes, even in winter. I know they only looked at big cities, but I think Quincy should be on the list.
We have plenty of parks, kayaking in the spring and summer, and bike riding Quincy could totally be on this list.
Top 5 Active Cities
Chicago is 5th right behind Vegas, San Francisco, and New York, and taking that number one spot Honolulu. Being active in the warmer months in Chicago is a bit easier than in the winter. You don't have all that extra clothing to keep you warm. Guess that's when an indoor fitness center comes in handy during the winter in Chicago.
LOOK: States with the most drive-in movie theaters
Gallery Credit: Aine Givens