You're being watched right now. We were warned this was coming and now it's all but inevitable. Mass surveillance of Illinois by artificial intelligence is imminent if not already here.

One of the pioneers of artificial intelligence told Barron's that AI "relies on mass surveillance" to be effective. The Southern Illinoisan shared an article last year about how "experts were advocating for businesses in the state to utilize artificial intelligence". Translation? You can count on the fact that AI is already in place in all parts of the Land of Lincoln and it will eventually establish mass surveillance "to do its job". This is where we come face to machine with a massive privacy problem.

You might find it convenient for the machines to be able to answer your questions on the fly or helping you locate businesses or individuals, but what if all that information ends up in the wrong hands? What if a totalitarian government suddenly has the ability to control the population with an AI system that knows...everything?

Illinois banks are already saying that "AI can better your business". The fact that profit in Illinois is being mentioned along with the necessity of artificial intelligence means that it can and will happen.

The day when the robots survey everything happening in Illinois is inevitable. The creators of artificial intelligence warn that it might already be here.

You are being watched and that's a problem. 

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Gallery Credit: Dawn McKenna Group/Coldwell Banker

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