You would have thought that someone in the manufacturing company would have realized this was a bad idea from the start. There are now 21 million miniature toys that were available in Illinois that are suddenly under an emergency recall for violating federal hazardous substances act.

This is a new bulletin just issued by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. It involves several different lines of miniature playsets/toys that have now been discovered to include a resin dangerous to children. It's the Miniverse Make It Mini Sets with Liquid Resins. The packaging looks like this.


The bulletin says these "toys" with their resins "can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation or sensitization when inhaled, touched, or ingested by children or adults" when in liquid form.

The alert goes on to say that 21 million were available including Illinois. Yikes. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission elaborates on what is in those resins that makes these toys so dangerous.

"The resins contain acrylates (hydroxyethylmethacrylate “HEMA” and isobornyl acrylate “IBOA”) in amounts prohibited in children’s products by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act".

If you find that you or your kids have these products, the bulletin says they can be returned for a full refund. Check the federal alert for more details and updates.

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Gallery Credit: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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