This proves that when it comes to your digital identity, you can never be too careful. Brand new data shows that all of a sudden, identity theft in Illinois is skyrocketing.

This new ranking comes courtesy of Cloudwards. It reveals the states where residents are most in danger of identity theft and Illinois is rising quickly.

Infographic, Cloudwards
Infographic, Cloudwards

This data shows that in Illinois there are 307 reports of identity theft for every 100,000 people. That doesn't sound like a high percentage, but it ranks among the 20 worst in America.

The ranking factors in data privacy and passport laws combined with number of identity theft reports.

As a certified computer technician myself, I approach any interaction online where personal information of any level i being shared very paranoid and that has served me well. No matter if a site claims security, I assume that anyone and everyone can see what I'm sharing. You'd be surprised what identity thieves can do just with innocent family pictures you share on Facebook. If they can learn the names of your children, they can begin password cracking that is more effective than you'd like to think.

The bottom line is never use passwords that are associated with anything you would be known for or anyone you would know. It's also important to change passwords frequently and duplicate as few as possible across multiple sites. Know there are even methods where artificial intelligence can use your voice shared on social media to contact banks and bypass security there.

It's a dangerous digital world we live in and seems to be even more perilous in Illinois now.

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Gallery Credit: US Marshals

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