It's a concerning trend that seems to be ramping up as the nation gets closer to another election. The FBI is investigating why Illinois and several other states are receiving strange packages of unknown origin.

I saw this concerning alert shared by Northern Public Radio about how offices in Illinois were evacuated just a few days ago. Last Friday, the Illinois State Board of Elections in Springfield had its offices shut down temporarily after a strange package was received. The report says that an election official in Illinois received a bizarre envelope and this has happened in at least 20 other states, too.

ABC 7 in Chicago actually had a photo of the envelope that caused the evacuation of the Springfield, Illinois office.

One has to wonder what type of activity we'll see between now and the first week of November when the national election happens.

As this is a developing story, it will be updated once new information is provided by the FBI about who is sending these packages and what their motives are.

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