Being expensive isn't necessarily a bad thing especially if what you're providing is worth the cost. That seems to be the case for the most expensive high school in Wisconsin which really does look like a big, regal castle.

Education A Lot just shared this interesting breakdown detailing the most expensive high school in each state. When it comes to high schools in Wisconsin, the most expensive has a tuition of $46,800 according to the data they shared.

SJN Academies via YouTube
SJN Academies via YouTube

This is St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin. I checked the tuition part of their website and confirmed it's pricey, with the 5-day boarding school at $39,900 and the 7-day school at $49,100.

The cost of leadership training is gonna cost you, but the campus looks epic. As the writer of the ranking mentioned, a castle does come to mind.

The mission statement of St. John's Northwestern Military Academy says they offer "a safe, structured environment that provides each student a foundation for life with specialized programs that are built with future aspirations in mind".

What they're doing at this Wisconsin boarding school appears to be working as Niche gives them an A+ with numerous positive reviews. I had to have my wife explain to me what an A+ was as I rarely saw those on my report cards when I was in school. (*ahem*)

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Gallery Credit: Wisconsin Department of Justice

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