Here’s What The “12 Days Of Christmas” Cost In Illinois This Year
When you think about it, break it down, and do the math, there are a lot more gifts involved in the 12 Days Of Christmas than just one partridge, 2 doves, 3 horns, etc.
Go ahead and Google the lyrics and you'll see that the gift-giver actually repeats the gifts each and every day. One partridge the first day, two partridges the next day, and so on until you end the gift-giving barrage by eventually bestowing:
- 12 partridges in pear trees
- 22 turtle doves
- 30 French hens
- 36 calling birds
- 40 golden rings
- 42 geese-a-laying
- 42 swans-a-swimming
- 40 maids-a-milking
- 36 ladies dancing
- 30 lords-a-leaping
- 22 pipers piping
- 12 drummers drumming
Your grand total of items is 364 gifts (or punishments, when you think of the mess and food bill), and your true love's house is now home to 184 birds and 140 people hanging around. Is that really something to do to someone you purportedly love?
Every Year, PNC Bank Calculates The Costs Of Giving Someone The 12 Gifts From The Classic Song, And It's Always Really Pricey
PNC's Total Christmas Price Index (CPI) all started 41 years ago as a way to engage clients of PNC’s predecessor, Provident National Bank in Philadelphia, during the traditionally light holiday weeks. What started out as a fun exercise during the holidays is now something people all over the world look forward to seeing each year.
So, let's get to the gifts and their price tags, according to the PNC Total Christmas Price Index:
Partridge in a pear tree: $370.18
Two Turtle Doves: $750
Three French Hens: $346.50
Four calling birds: $599.96
Five golden rings: $1,245
Six geese-a-laying: $900
Seven swans-a-swimming: $13,125
Eight maids-a-milking: $58.00
Nine ladies dancing: $8,557.37
Ten lords-a-leaping: $15,579.65
Eleven pipers piping: $3,714.96
Twelve drummers drumming: $4,016.85
Total cost of the 12 Days Of Christmas: $49,263.47
LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century
Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock