When maneuvering through a busy Illinois city you have to be really careful especially if you're traveling on a much smaller vehicle.

Riding Through Busy Illinois Cities Can Be Dangerous

If you live here in Rockford then you're used to it. In the bigger cities in Illinois, there's a lot of traffic and congestion. You've got to drive defensively to avoid accidents. When confronting a bigger vehicle like a bus or truck, I suggest getting as far away from them as possible.

Surge In Commuters Using Electric Scooters in London
Illinois Bus Runs Over Man's Arm

For those brave enough to ride a bike, scooter, motorcycle, or something like that. Good luck to you. You've got to be a really brave soul to attempt something like that. The city dwellers ride like they don't have a care in the world. I think that might help them navigate through the streets. Unfortunately, sometimes there's an accident.

According to patch.com, 

Bus Vs Scooter In Illinois

This is definitely not a fair fight. The bus is so much bigger than the scooter, it never had a chance. This accident happened in Aurora. A man was cruising down the sidewalk on a motorized scooter. The rider of the scooter then went off the curb and slammed into the street. At that exact moment, a bus was going by.

RELATED: Crazy Illinois Man Attackes Bus With Homemade Weapon

The bus hit the scooter and rider. Then one of the big tires ran over the poor victim's arm. There were no passengers at the time of the crash. The injured man was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition.

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