3 Important Things to Do When You See a Dog Trapped in a Hot Car in Illinois
If your first reaction to seeing a dog locked in a hot car is to smash the window and rescue it, don't do it...especially in Illinois.
Is Breaking a Car Window to Rescue an Animal Illegal in Illinois?
As a hard core dog lover I completely understand that the urge to save a suffering animal from a hot car is undeniably strong, but it's not the smartest thing to do...unless you enjoy facing criminal charges.
An article from the Illinois Bar Association says;
Although a person might feel that it's worth taking the risk to save the dog, smashing in someone's car window constitutes Criminal Damage to Property.
There is no exception for 'good intentions,' And if the property damage exceeds $300 - likely in the case of a broken car window - the crime is a Class 4 felony.
So, what should you do if you see a dog in distress inside a hot car?
The most important thing to do is call 911 immediately! Law enforcement officers in Illinois CAN legally break a car window to save a pet, but regular citizen like you and I cannot.
After calling the authorities, gather evidence. If possible, take pictures or videos of the dog in distress and the surrounding conditions (like the outside temperature). This info can be crucial if legal action is taken against the car owner.
Stay with the dog until help arrives. Monitor the dog's condition and try to keep it calm. If possible, move the car to a shaded area, but only if it's safe to do so, (and doesn't require any illegal behavior to get the job done).
Although you may be panicking about the pet's well being, just remember the ultimate goal is to ensure the animal's safety...without getting arrested or heavily fined.
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Gallery Credit: Linda Lombardi