Can You Own A Pet Bear In Minnesota Or Wisconsin?Can You Own A Pet Bear In Minnesota Or Wisconsin?We are not saying you should but - can you legally?Lauren WellsLauren Wells
CAUTION! Bear Sightings Happening Now In MinnesotaCAUTION! Bear Sightings Happening Now In MinnesotaGuess who is waking up! Quite a few sightings already in the Twin Cities area and one in Southeast Minnesota. #SeeLocationsHere #BearsInMinnesota Jessica On The RadioJessica On The Radio
Remember When a Wild Bear Was Spotted In Northern Illinois This Year?Remember When a Wild Bear Was Spotted In Northern Illinois This Year?Over the past couple of years, Illinois has become a destination for wandering bears during the summertime.Double TDouble T
Wisconsin Has Issue With Bears And Not The Kind From ChicagoWisconsin Has Issue With Bears And Not The Kind From ChicagoThe Wisconsin Department Of Natural Resources warns residents of increased bear encounters this summer.Double TDouble T
Wisconsin Couple Attacked By Bear That Charged Through WindowWisconsin Couple Attacked By Bear That Charged Through WindowSo, what do you think happens when you look out your window and see a bear eating out of your birdfeeder and you decide to yell at it to go away?Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil
Video Of Big Bear Spotted In WisconsinVideo Of Big Bear Spotted In WisconsinIn Wisconsin, a video was taken of a big bear wandering through a field. Double TDouble T