A billionaire philanthropist just made a large donation to Goodwill Industries across the nation, with a substantial amount coming to the Rockford region.
The nation is facing a continued blood donation shortage that’s impacting the medical care of millions of Americans. Make no mistake, the problems the rest of the country is facing during this blood shortage are problems that the Rockford area has, too.
I'm not saying you shouldn't donate your no-longer-needed car seat. I'm just saying I have an idea worth considering before trading yours in for a 20% coupon.
We've spent many Thursday mornings helping puppies visiting our studios find forever homes. Take a peek and see if your family can help with this request.
In spite of baseball's unwritten rule about Cubs and Sox fans hating each other for eternity, a Cubs fan is alive today because of the gift of life from a Sox fan.
Of the one million masks, 750K will be distributed in Chicago, where the company's global headquarters is located, and another 250K will go to the rest of the state.