5 Things You Need to Know Monday - Was B.B. King murdered, Dekalb man killed by train, look younger in pictures if you do this and 4 TV premieres tonight.
5 Things You Need to Know Monday - Winnebago Corners intersection needs to change, red wine and depression, first female NFL ref and what's on TV tonight.
5 Things You Need to Know Monday - congress may change federal weed law, moms & daughters clubbing, Rockford demolition debate, tonight's TV premiers and new DVD's.
If enough states decriminalize marijuana, Congress may change federal law. (H...
5 Things You Need to Know Wednesday - Facebook removes 'feeling fat' emoji, woman dies after Rock River rescue and delivery guy from Miller High Life commercials has died.
5 Things You Need to Know Friday - Morrissey's twist on 'State of the City', Nat'l Day of Unplugging, don't borrow money for these 4 things and your weekend DVR alert.
5 Things You Need to Know Thursday - World's oldest person, Airiest event's new twist, scientists create music for cats and two new TV series premiers tonight.
5 Things You Need to Know Wednesday - Conan from Cuba tonight, Fatty's owner arrested for pot growing, fart smell is healthy use this acronym to be morning person.
5 Things You Need to Know Monday - 8yr-old steals car and crashes, control wedding day weather, bedroom mood changer and crazy 'Bachelor' tell-all tonight.
5 Things You Need to Know Wednesday - 'American Sniper' killer guilty, historic promotion in RFD Police dept., help kids avoid peanut allergies and TV tonight.