This is actually a post on the people who will use any form of communication necessary (up to, and including petroglyphs) to try to get you to buy an extended warranty you don't need.
This isn't actually a post on the people who will use any form of communication necessary (up to, and including petroglyphs) to try to get you to buy an extended warranty you don't need. It's really my only way of reaching out to try to sell you an extended warranty that you don't need.
Scammers are out doing their thing month in and month out, regardless of the time or season of the year. However, knowing how much shopping and bargain-hunting is going on right now, they're really zeroed in on potential victims.
We do our best around here to keep an eye on the latest scams that are working their way across the country, and if there's one thing to be learned, it's the fact that scams come in all shapes and sizes.
Whether you live in the Rockford area, or anywhere else across the country, there's every chance another stimulus check/payment will be coming your way in the near future.
Before we started getting all these packages delivered directly to our front door on a regular basis, I'm sure the number of porch thefts was a lot less than it is today simply because there weren't as many opportunities for porch pirates.