Illinois Animals

Illinois Pet Owners: These 7 Holiday Plants Are Toxic To Pets
Illinois Pet Owners: These 7 Holiday Plants Are Toxic To Pets
Illinois Pet Owners: These 7 Holiday Plants Are Toxic To Pets
At Thanksgiving time, it's about the foods you should and shouldn't allow your pet to eat, but then at Christmastime you also have to consider not only the foods to avoid but the holiday plants, too. Here are the ones to keep away from the four-legged family members in your house.
Danger: Illinois' Amorous Deer Are Out On The Roads Again
Danger: Illinois' Amorous Deer Are Out On The Roads Again
Danger: Illinois' Amorous Deer Are Out On The Roads Again
We've all seen amorous humans do some really stupid things in the interests of romance, but it's rare that you see human speed-dating get ruined by a fast-moving pickup truck. That's not the case with Illinois' population of white-tailed deer, who will be looking for love in all the wrong places from now through December.
Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
Illinois Is A Dog State, But...How Many Can You Legally Have?
My daughter Molly, a true dog-lover if ever there were one, recently told me that her ideal home would have lots and lots and lots of dogs running around. When I asked what lots and lots and lots meant, she replied "whatever the legal limit is." Since I had no idea about legal limits on dogs, I decided to check into it.

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