We all know why we go to the state fair. It's not for the musical guests, the rides, or the games. Nope, we go for the food and it will not disappoint at this year's Illinois State Fair.
The Illinois State Fair has announced another grandstand headliner, this time it is a current TV star who is known for his stand-up comedy, here are the details you need to know.
With seemingly everything getting the plug pulled on it last year, it's nice to see that the Illinois State Fair is back for 2021, although there will be some changes to the routine fair experience.
You've got nearly half a ton of butter just lying around, so what do you do? If you're in the state fair business you get to work sculpting a cow, of course.
The guy working at the "Guess Your Weight and Age" booth at the Illinois State Fair would like to see more contestants, and so would Illinois State Fair organizers.