Next Time You’re On A Six Flags Coaster, Keep Your Hands UpNext Time You’re On A Six Flags Coaster, Keep Your Hands UpThe people in the photo have the right idea, because you never know when something valuable will just land in the palm of your hand.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil
Phone Companies Might be Required to Block Robocalls SoonPhone Companies Might be Required to Block Robocalls SoonIs there any frustration greater than when you get a robocall? MJMJ
Verizon Just Introduced a Smart Phone Plan Just For KidsVerizon Just Introduced a Smart Phone Plan Just For KidsShould your kids have a phone? Verizon thinks so, as they introduce a brand new phone just for your kids. MichelleMichelle
Texting While Driving Penalties in Illinois May Get TougherTexting While Driving Penalties in Illinois May Get TougherIt's illegal here in Illinois to text and drive, but to be honest, I see it happening all day, every day.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil
Biggest Danger on Illinois Roads? Distracted DriversBiggest Danger on Illinois Roads? Distracted DriversIf you've found yourself yelling "Put down the !#@$% phone and drive!" somewhat frequently on Rockford's streets and/or Illinois roads, you are not alone.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil
A Dad Created An App Kids Will Hate But Parents Will LoveA Dad Created An App Kids Will Hate But Parents Will LoveIf you're a parent who has tried and failed (repeatedly) to get a hold of your kid but gets no response, you're not alone.Sweet LennySweet Lenny
Major Landline ProblemsMajor Landline ProblemsThe end of landlines as we know it in Illinois is one step closer to happening.Sweet LennySweet Lenny
38 New Emojis are Coming!38 New Emojis are Coming!It's getting easier and easier to have a conversation with just little pictures.MichelleMichelle