If you have fond memories of shopping at Toys 'R' Us as a kid and were sad to see them close years ago, you'll be glad to know that the beloved chain has just opened a new Illinois store, but it's not the same as the Toys 'R' Us you grew up with.
You would have thought that someone in the manufacturing company would have realized this was a bad idea from the start. There are now 21 million miniature toys that were available in Illinois that are suddenly under an emergency recall for violating federal hazardous substances act.
Please don't judge me, but my mother collected dolls when I was a kid. There were literally thousands in my room. What I didn't know is there may be others in Illinois that have rare versions of a Barbie that is worth thousands of dollars.
You'll almost certainly never see a place like this again. Explorers found a wild $1.5 million dollar toy mansion in Illinois and took cameras inside to reveal what's been left behind.