There is a new video of Illinois traffic that has become so viral it has the attention of a state representative and even the Illinois Department of Transportation itself.
We know for a fact that traffic cameras are used in Missouri because we see them every day in Hannibal. However, are they really legal? The answer is probably more complicated than you might think.
It's common sense to move away from any lane where you see an emergency vehicle along a roadway. In Missouri, it's more than just a good idea or suggestion though. As a matter of fact, you can get a serious fine for violating Missouri's Move Over law. It can cost you seriously big bucks.
It's no secret there are automated red light ticket cameras in Hannibal, Missouri and there's been talk of them being installed in St. Louis. Would you drive differently in the big city if there was an eye in the sky watching you?
I am not a lawyer and don't play one on TV either, but I have done some research into whether or not you can get a ticket for not abiding by a yellow advisory sign in Missouri. The short answer is it's very complicated.