You would think receiving an unexpected package would be a pleasant surprise. The truth is it's the beginning of a dangerous scam that is already causing big problems for many in Illinois as the feds shared a warning about why this goes so very wrong.
Beware of any text you receive where a stranger appears polite and "nice". A new one is now making the rounds in Illinois where victims are receiving a link that includes many pleasantries, but it's sinister and will empty your bank account.
My dad worked for the United States Postal Service in Missouri for more than 30 years. I mention this because I take instructions from the postal service seriously. Know that the USPS is insisting that Missouri residents check their mailboxes right now.
There is a very good reason why the United States Postal Service needs you to check your mailbox. It's not a life or death situation, but it's close. Seriously, if you live in Illinois, check your mailbox as soon as you can.