Do you ever meet someone and think, yeah I bet she has three older siblings.

Well, you might just feel that way if you meet me, because I totally wear  "youngest sibling button" on my sleeve.

You know I mean figuratively right? I don't actually wear a button, but let's get real here, I might wear one if someone gave it to me.

Being the youngest sibling is just something that I identify with as a huge part of my personality. I blame being loud and repetitive on the fact that no one would pass me the ketchup at dinner unless I yelled, ketchup is really important to me, and five other people just wouldn't listen...

So when I came across this ThoughtCatalog list, I thought it was pretty interesting, 12 Habits Every Youngest Child In The Family Carries Into Their 20s.

Do these all apply to me? No, not all of them, but at least 60% of them do, I always expect people to think I'm younger than I am, my best friend is four years older than I am, I love playing the role of "everyone's little sister," I totally love being the center of attention, and there are some skills in life I will never master, anything geography related.

Here's the list, do you other youngest sibs agree?

  1. They learn best by being mentored.
  2. They show love by showing up.
  3. But they have no problem doing things alone.
  4. They expect everyone to think that they’re younger than they are.
  5. Socially however, they gravitate toward an older crowd.
  6. They display a general disregard for the rules.
  7. They have absolutely no fashion sense.
  8. They are super low maintenance in romantic relationships.
  9. …But they love being the center of attention in social situations.
  10. They understand that success is all about who you know.
  11. There are several basic life skills that they will just never master.
  12. But when it comes to the big things, they’re unstoppable.

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