If you've recently asked your child, "how was your day at school?", what kind of answer did you get?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say their day was "fine" or "good." Really? We're only a couple of weeks into the school year and all you have to say is "fine" or "good?" As a parent of a teenager who works a completely opposite schedule, it's extremely important for me to take advantage of every minute I get with my son. It's his senior year in high school and between his two jobs, DECA, studying, applying for colleges and baseball, I barely get to see him. Which is why it's so important to me that when I actually get a chance to engage in a conversation with him, I get more than a one word answer. But, I digress, he's a teenager so that's probably all I'm going to get; along with a grumble or "why are you being so nosey?" Because I care, that's why.

We all care about our kids, which is why we want more for them than just a plain ol' boring "good" or "fine" day.  If this conversation with your kids sounds familiar, Parent Co. came up with a brilliant list of other ways you can ask your kids about their day without having to actually say, "how was your day?" Try some of these instead.

1.What did you eat for lunch?
2.Did you catch anyone picking their nose?
3.What games did you play at recess?
4.What was the funniest thing that happened today?
5.Did anyone do anything super nice for you?
6.What was the nicest thing you did for someone else?
7.Who made you smile today?
8.Which one of your teachers would survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
9.What new fact did you learn today?
10.Who brought the best food in their lunch today? What was it?
11.What challenged you today?
12.If school were a ride at the fair, which ride would it be? Why?
13.What would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10? Why?
14.If one of your classmates could be the teacher for the day who would you want it to be? Why?
15.If you had the chance to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?

Parent Co. came out with 30; you can see the other 15 here.

What would you add to the list? Is there anything that works for you?

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