You know what's fun? Being sick on the weekend. Said no one ever. Seriously, it's the pits. I was sick all weekend and instead of going outside so I could complain about how cold it was on Facebook, I was stuck on the couch reading others complaints about it.

No one ever likes being sick. Sure it's fun at first because maybe you get to miss work, you get caught up on sleep and catch up on all your favorite shows in the DVR, but that kind of fun can only last for so long.

Here's a fun list of all the weird and fun things I did when I was sick this weekend; feel free to use some of them the next time you're feeling a little under the weather and you're stuck in bed.

1. Clean out the contacts in your phone. I had 162 phone numbers I don't even use anymore.

Clean out your contacts
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

2. Check yourself out in the mirror every time you go to the bathroom. You know, so you can see if your inability to hold down food has helped you lose three pounds.

3. Make snot bubbles.

4. Netflix, obviously.

5. Practice the art of and perfect your selfie taking skills.

Mandy James, Townsquare Media
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

6. Take a bubble bath.

7. Slather yourself in Vics and sit in your bathroom for 15 minutes after running a hot shower, with the door closed, for twenty minutes. (because you don't have a sauna)

8. Read - it can be a book, magazine, Twitter, whatevs.

9. Get really creative cleaning out the fridge. You're hungry but too sick to leave the house, so... What can you make with cream cheese, peppers and elderberry syrup?

Mandy James, Townsquare Media
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

10. Cuddle with your pets.

11. Stalk an ex on Facebook. Not on Facebook? Try LinkedIn.

12. Obsess about the possibility of dying after you Google your symptoms.

13. When you can't find something on TV, in the DVR or on Netflix, there's always Redbox.

Mandy James, Townsquare Media
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

14. Get your man to do something nice for you like make you a meal or paint your toenails.

15. Swim in a sea of stuffed animals. When you're sick you feel like a big baby and babies love to cuddle with their favorite stuffed animals.

16. Play video games.

17. Build a fort.

Mandy James, Townsquare Media
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

18. Work. Yes, I said work. Write a blog. Look for something to blog about. Text your co-workers about work.

19. Talk to your mom on the phone. Or anyone for that matter.

20. Figure out how some of the apps you've downloaded in the last few weeks actually work.

21. Watch a lot of mediocre movies/TV shows because you got a free preview of Showtime over the weekend. I watched movies just to watch them; I figured since I'd never heard of them that they might not be that bad.

Mandy James, Townsquare Media
Mandy James, Townsquare Media

22. Try every single recommended cold remedy that your friends suggested on Facebook. You're not in your twenties anymore; you need to be healthy and you'll try anything.

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