Spending a few minutes on YouTube can reveal some of the silliest and craziest things. For instance, a song called Rock River.

The first thing I thought is "is this song about THE Rock River?" You know the one that runs through town?

The answer as far as I know is, I'm not sure. I've watched the video from the band, Eric Lives Here in order to figure it out.

By the way, Eric Lives Here, much to my chagrin, is not led by a guy named Eric but actually a guy named Mike Thiel.

Thiel (or Eric as I called him) is from Wisconsin, so there's a chance that this song is about the Rock River. Seriously though, who knows.

Have you heard the song Rock River before? Is it about the actual river or is some kind of clever play on words to show just how "rockin" Eric Lives Here really is.

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