Pardon the pun, but this is hands down the most uplifting story you'll see today.

An eight-year-old boy has become the youngest person to receive a double-hand transplant.

Zion Harvey, of Owings Mills, Mary., underwent the procedure earlier this month at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

As you might imagine, Harvey has been through quite a lot. Harvey contracted sepsis when he was a toddler and then suffered organ failure, which led to his hands and feet being amputated, as well as a kidney transplant. He would later receive prosthetic legs and learned how to use his forearms to read and write.

The double-hand operation took 11 hours and required 40 medical officials, which "used steel plates and screws to attach the old and new bones. Surgeons then painstakingly reconnected Zion’s arteries, veins, muscles, tendons and nerves."

The hands were donated from an anonymous family. Zion now will endure several weeks of rehab.

Now that he has hands, what does Zion want to do with them? Well, what any eight-year-old would. He hopes to climb the monkey bars. Here's hoping his wish comes true.

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